Publication/Availability Date: April 30, 2024
Individuals: $45, Site/Firm license: $275
"The RIA In 2030" research report contains probable first and second order impacts of new technologies and changing demographics on the investment management business. This report is for - Investment Advisors, Private Equity, Family Offices, and other financial organizations. There are 2 sections - 1) Probable Impacts/Future Forward Possibilities, and  2) How To Prepare Your Organization or Practice.
The report is 20,000 words. It will be delivered upon order as a PDF with an accompanying Audiobook. 
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1. Autonomous Investment Entities: AI creates and manages entirely autonomous investment entities that operate without human oversight, making decisions based on complex environmental and economic models.
2. Real-time Economic Simulation Engines: Investment strategies are devised within AI-powered simulation engines that can accurately model and predict the outcomes of economic scenarios in real-time, allowing for investments in virtual economies.
3. Predictive Company Creation: AI predicts market needs and establishes start-up companies to meet future demands, with investments managed dynamically to support these predictive ventures.
4. AI-driven Market Creation: New markets and financial instruments are created by AI to trade resources and assets that are currently non-economic or intangible, such as data privacy levels or algorithmic efficiencies.
5. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) Takeover: Investment funds and corporations become fully decentralized, operated by DAOs without human intervention, redefining corporate governance and ownership.
6. Personal AI Investment Avatars: Individuals have AI avatars that not only manage their investments but also actively participate in digital economies, earning and investing on their behalf in real and virtual assets.
7. Cross-dimensional Investment Strategies: AI develops strategies that leverage investments across multiple dimensions of value, including social impact, environmental sustainability, and even interplanetary economies, as space exploration grows.
8. Cognitive Enhancement for Investment Insight: Investors use AI-driven cognitive enhancement technologies to process and understand complex investment strategies and market dynamics at a superhuman level.
9. Quantum Trading: With quantum computing, AI executes trades in a fraction of a second, exploiting quantum entanglement to predict and react to market movements instantaneously.​​​​​​​
10. Emotional Economy: AI understands human emotions and cultural trends so deeply that it creates an emotional economy, investing in products, services, and experiences that cater to or enhance human emotional states.

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